My writing is embedded in the landscapes I love – the sea, the coast and wild places – and my characters are drawn from the people who populate them


In short…

Mark Smith is the author of four young adult novels, including his critically acclaimed Winter Trilogy.. The Road to Winter was shortlisted for multiple awards and is taught in schools around Australia. The sequel, Wilder Country won the 2018 Australian Indie Book Award for YA.

An award-winning writer of short fiction, Mark’s work has appeared in Best Australian Stories, Review of Australian Fiction, The Big Issue, The Victorian Writer, Island and The Australian.

Mark is also an in-demand speaker at schools and an experienced facilitator at festivals and book launches.

The long of it…


  • The Road To Winter (Text Publishing 2016)

  • Wilder Country (Text 2017)

  • Land Of Fences (Text 2019)

  • If Not Us (Text 2021)

Anthology Contributions

  • An Archipelago of Stars in Minds Went Walking, The Songs of Paul Kelly Reimagined – Curated by Jock Serong, Neil A. White & Mark Smith (Fremantle Press) November 2022

  • The Sea Affected Life (10k) in Lines To The Horizon: Australian Surf Writing (Fremantle Press) April 2021

  • Sugar Bag Dreamin’ Country in A Lasting Conversation, Stories of Ageing (Brandl & Schlesinger) 2020

  • A Concreter’s Heart in We’ll Stand In That Place (Margaret River Press) 2019

  • Manyuk in Best Australian Stories (Black Inc) 2015

  • Land of Stones in Fish Anthology (Fish Publishing, Ireland) 2015

  • Sugar Bag Dreamin’ Country in Best Australian Stories (Black Inc) 2014 

  • Butcher’s Creek in The Trouble With Flying (Margaret River Press) 2014

Short Fiction

Twenty-five short fiction stories/pieces in (among others) Best Australian Stories, Review of Australian Fiction, The Big Issue, Island, The Victorian Writer and The Australian.


  • Australian Indie Book of the Year for YA 2018 for Wilder Country

  • Griffith University Josephine Ulrick Literature Prize 2015

  • Alan Marshall Short Story Prize 2013

  • Joanne Burns Short Story Prize 2013

  • Neilma Sidney Travel Fund recipient 2021


  • Margaret River Press, WA. Residency, 2015

  • Varuna Residential Fellowship, Katoomba, 2016

  • St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill, 2018

  • Auburn High School 2020 & 2021

  • Neilma Sidney Travel Grant 2021